
The Party’s Over . . .

Well,  Santa’s part is over anyway. . . and, if you’re like me, you’re left wondering how you’re gonna fit all this new crap in with the old!!! ; )

Get yourself some ClearGear – It truly is an answer to a prayer!  We currently have ClearGear strewn all over the floor at our house, but with one swooop, each bag is picked up and put away!

It is such a Godsend, I wish I could ship it out to everyone . . . I would load up a sleigh and deliver bags on December 26th and shout,
“It’s OK,  It’s OK!!”
Really, I would!  I am working on the belly now!

I just don’t want you to stress any more than you have to!

The holidays can be a very stressful time, but just remember:
Elves MAKE it . . . Santa BRINGS it . . . ClearGear STORES it!

Check back in – hoping to have more tips and tricks to help you STAY SANE!

Tip #101 – Just after Christmas, is a good time to remind your little ones of how great they felt when they received their gifts and then get them to  help a little girl or boy have that same feeling, by donating old toys, etc.  It’s one thing to tell them, but right after they experience receiving, they can then, truly appreciate the joy of giving.

Merry Christmas to you all and God bless us Everyone!!!



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